You know that food that you love but don't trust yourself around?

By Diana Marlin, RD, LDN

When a food that we view as "off-limits" becomes readily and consistently available to us, over time, it is easier to shift to a healthier, more peaceful relationship with that food. This is known as food habituation.⁣⠀
I know it sounds counterintuitive, but if there is a food you love that you believe you can't trust yourself around, that may be an important food to keep around to learn how to incorporate into your life in a healthy, balanced way.⁣⠀
For example, if in the past you determined that when you keep cookies in the house, you will eat the whole box, it may feel easier to just keep them out of the house. Since the ultimate goal is peace with food, not avoidance of it, it may be beneficial to instead say "I'm going to keep cookies in the house, and I'll have one with my meal any time that sounds good to me". Over time, those cookies will no longer feel off-limits, and it will be easier to view them as just another food option in your pantry.⁣⠀
In the shift towards eating more intuitively and having a more peaceful relationship with food, it's important to legalize ALL foods that you love.⁣